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All publications containing “pump-probe”

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  1. Nora Berrah, Alvaro Sanchez-Gonzalez, Zoltan Jurek, Razib Obaid, Hui Xiong, Richard J. Squibb, Timur Osipov, Alberto Lutman, Li Fang, Thomas Barillot, John D. Bozek, James Cryan, Thomas J.A. Wolf, Daniel Rolles, Ryan Coffee, Kirsten Schnorr, Sven Augustin, Hironobu Fukuzawa, Koji Motomura, N. Niebuhr, Leszek J. Frasinski, Raimund Feifel, Claus P. Schulz, Koudai Toyota, Sang-Kil Son, Kiyoshi Ueda, Thomas Pfeifer, Jon P. Marangos, and Robin Santra, Femtosecond-resolved observation of the fragmentation of buckminsterfullerene following X-ray multiphoton ionization, Nat. Phys. 15, 1279–1283 (2019) [bib][BibTeX][abstract][abstract][link]doi:10.1038/s41567-019-0665-7
  2. Yoshiaki Kumagai, Zoltan Jurek, Weiqing Xu, Vikrant Saxena, Hironobu Fukuzawa, Koji Motomura, Denys Iablonskyi, Kiyonobu Nagaya, Shin-ichi Wada, Yuta Ito, Tsukasa Takanashi, Shuhei Yamada, Yuta Sakakibara, Toshiyuki Nishiyama, Takayuki Umemoto, Minna Patanen, John D. Bozek, Ioan Dancus, Mihail Cernaianu, Catalin Miron, Tobias Bauer, Melanie Mucke, Edwin Kukk, Shigeki Owada, Tadashi Togashi, Kensuke Tono, Makina Yabashi, Sang-Kil Son, Beata Ziaja, Robin Santra, and Kiyoshi Ueda, Suppression of thermal nanoplasma emission in clusters strongly ionized by hard x-rays, J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 54, 044001 (2021) [Special issue on Frontiers of AMO Science with FELs and Synchrotron Radiation] [bib][BibTeX][abstract][abstract][link]doi:10.1088/1361-6455/abd878
  3. Xiang Li, Ludger Inhester, Timur Osipov, Rebecca Boll, Ryan Coffee, James Cryan, Ave Gatton, Tais Gorkhover, Gregor Hartman, Markus Ilchen, André Knie, Ming-Fu Lin, Michael P. Minitti, Clemens Weninger, Thomas J.A. Wolf, Sang-Kil Son, Robin Santra, Daniel Rolles, Artem Rudenko, and Peter Walter, Electron-ion coincidence measurements of molecular dynamics with intense x-ray pulses, Sci. Rep. 11, 505 (2021) [bib][BibTeX][pdf][pdf][abstract][abstract][link]doi:10.1038/s41598-020-79818-6

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