%% The BibTeX file generated by www.zannavi.com/sangkil/biblio %% All citations in 2017 with Sang-Kil Son @article{Abdullah17, author={Malik Muhammad Abdullah and Anurag and Zoltan Jurek and Sang-Kil Son and Robin Santra}, title={Molecular-dynamics approach for studying the nonequilibrium behavior of x-ray-heated solid-density matter}, journal={Phys. Rev. E}, volume={96}, pages={023205}, year={2017}, keywords={XATOM; XMDYN; average-atom; plasma; thermalization; CFEL; DESY;}, url={https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevE.96.023205}, doi={10.1103/PhysRevE.96.023205} } @conference{Hanasaki17, author={Kota Hanasaki and Ludger Inhester and Sang-Kil Son and Oriol Vendrell and Yajiang Hao and Robin Santra}, title={Ab initio calculation of X-ray induced decay dynamics in small molecules}, year={2017}, month={June 7-9}, booktitle={33rd Symposium on Chemical Kinetics and Dynamics}, school={Nagoya University}, address={Nagoya, Japan}, keywords={XMOLECULE; CREXIM;}, url={http://sckd.jp/33nagoya/main/abstract/upload/3A4.pdf} } @conference{Inhester17, author={Ludger Inhester and Sang-Kil Son and Robin Santra}, title={Site-selective x-ray photofragmentation of molecules}, year={2017}, month={March 6-10}, booktitle={DPG Spring Meeting of the Section AMOP}, organization={German Physical Society}, address={Mainz, Germany}, keywords={XMOLECULE; photofragmentation; ESCA; CFEL; DESY;}, url={http://www.dpg-verhandlungen.de/year/2017/conference/mainz/part/a/session/3/contribution/3} } @article{Rudenko17, author={Artem Rudenko and Ludger Inhester and Kota Hanasaki and Xiang Li and Seyyed J. Robatjazi and Benjamin Erk and Rebecca Boll and Koudai Toyota and Yajiang Hao and Oriol Vendrell and Cedric Bomme and Evgeny Savelyev and Benedikt Rudek and Lutz Foucar and Stephen H. Southworth and Carl S. Lehmann and Bertold Kr{\"a}ssig and Tatiana Marchenko and Marc Simon and Kiyoshi Ueda and Ken R. Ferguson and Maximilian Bucher and Tais Gorkhover and Sebastian Carron and Roberto Alonso-Mori and Jason E. Koglin and Jonathan Correa and Garth J. Williams and S{\'e}bastien Boutet and Linda Young and Christoph Bostedt and Sang-Kil Son and Robin Santra and Daniel Rolles}, title={Femtosecond response of polyatomic molecules to ultra-intense hard X-rays}, journal={Nature}, volume={546}, pages={129--132}, year={2017}, keywords={CH3I; ultrafast; ionization; fragmentation; charge rearrangement; charge transfer; coulomb explosion; x-ray explosion dynamics; x-ray multiphoton ionization; MD; molecular dynamics; MMID; CREXIM; XMOLECULE; LCLS; experiment; XFEL; CFEL; DESY;}, url={http://rdcu.be/s8vR}, doi={10.1038/nature22373} } @article{Son17, author={Sang-Kil Son and Otfried Geffert and Robin Santra}, title={Compton spectra of atoms at high x-ray intensity}, journal={J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys.}, volume={50}, pages={064003}, year={2017}, keywords={C; Xe; Ar; x-ray scattering; Compton; XATOM; XFEL; CFEL; DESY;}, note={special issue: emerging leaders}, url={https://arxiv.org/abs/1702.04639}, doi={10.1088/1361-6455/aa59cb} } @conference{Son17a, author={Sang-Kil Son}, title={What happens to atoms and molecules during X-ray free-electron laser pulses?}, year={2017}, month={June 22}, booktitle={European XFEL Theory Seminar}, institution={European XFEL}, address={Schenefeld, Germany}, keywords={XATOM; XMOLECULE; x-ray multiphoton ionization; x-ray explosion dynamics; REXMI; CREXIM; Xe; CH3I; XFEL; LCLS; SACLA; CFEL; DESY;}, note={invited talk}, url={http://www.xfel.eu/events/european_xfel_theory_seminars/what_happens_to_atoms_and_molecules_during_x_ray_free_electron_laser_pulses} } @conference{Son17b, author={Sang-Kil Son}, title={Electronic structure of atoms and molecules at high x-ray intensity}, year={2017}, month={November 29-December 1}, booktitle={New trends in theory for experiments at advanced light sources}, institution={European XFEL and CFEL}, address={Schenefeld and Hamburg, Germany}, keywords={XATOM; XMOLECULE; x-ray multiphoton ionization; x-ray explosion dynamics; REXMI; CREXIM; Xe; CH3I; XFEL; LCLS; SACLA; CFEL; DESY;}, note={invited talk}, url={https://indico.desy.de/indico/event/18486/} } @article{Toyota17, author={Koudai Toyota and Sang-Kil Son and Robin Santra}, title={Interplay between relativistic energy corrections and resonant excitations in x-ray multiphoton ionization dynamics of Xe atoms}, journal={Phys. Rev. A}, volume={95}, pages={043412}, year={2017}, keywords={Xe; relativity; resonance; heavy atom; REXMI; XATOM; XFEL; CFEL; DESY;}, url={https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevA.95.043412}, doi={10.1103/PhysRevA.95.043412} } @conference{Toyota17a, author={Koudai Toyota and Zoltan Jurek and Sang-Kil Son and Robin Santra}, title={Calibration of the fluence of an x-ray free-electron laser using {XATOM}}, year={2017}, month={March 6-10}, booktitle={DPG Spring Meeting of the Section AMOP}, organization={German Physical Society}, address={Mainz, Germany}, keywords={XATOM; XFEL; CFEL; DESY;}, url={http://www.dpg-verhandlungen.de/year/2017/conference/mainz/part/a/session/3/contribution/4} }