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All citations with Huijong Han containing “CDK2”

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  1. Huijong Han and Ernst Schönbrunn, Molecular Modes of Action of Novel CDK2 Inhibitors in The 45th Annual MIKI Meeting (University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas, Apr. 13-15, 2007) [oral presentation] [bib][BibTeX]
  2. Huijong Han, The Application of X-ray Crystallography Towards the Design of Novel Inhibitors of MurA and CDK2, Ph.D. Thesis, University of Kansas (2008) [bib][BibTeX][pdf][pdf][abstract][abstract]
  3. Stephane Betzi, Riazul Alam, Mathew Martin, Donna J. Lubbers, Huijong Han, Sudhakar R. Jakkaraj, Gunda I. Georg, and Ernst Schönbrunn, Discovery of a potential allosteric ligand binding site in CDK2, ACS Chem. Biol. 6, 492–501 (2011) [bib][BibTeX][abstract][abstract][link]doi:10.1021/cb100410m

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